The Reason People Love Horror Movies More than Others Have you ever found yourself wondering why people like to watch horror movies? If the answer to this is yes, then you aren’t the only one. When it comes to horror, there is quite a bit of research that has been done as well as many claims that have been made along the way. The love of horror films is often been attributed to the thrill that you get out of watching them. This has been said to be especially true when it comes to males. People love the threatening feeling they feel after a particularly scary part of a film, to put it another way. Films in the genre of horror are created especially to make the audience experience the feelings of worry and fear. People can worry in ways that other humans are just not able to.
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“Paranormal Activity” is one film that has invoked a great amount of fear in the audience. Even though this movie was low budget, it became so popular that it has released several sequels.
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Why do people like to feel worry and terror when movie going? Many say it is simply being able to feel fear without a true threat. People don’t enjoy experiencing fearful events in real life. It is not appealing if you are unable to control your situation. Sometimes a horror film will be compared to a ride on a roller coaster. The free fall is often the same feeling that people get during a horror film. Both adrenaline rushes and high heart rates are experienced during roller coaster rides and horror movies. Also in the same way you feel great after the roller coaster, you are relieved when the horror movie ends. There are some researchers on the other hand that believe horror movies bring about negative effects. The newest research available credits both of these claims. This may seem odd, but it is true. It is now believed that the person is not really horrified, but instead they are excited. So the next time you think that you are afraid in a movie, it is likely just excitement that will end when the film does. You just need to sit through the terror to feel the actual excitement. These reasons are exactly why scary movies are so popular among movie watchers. So as you can see, the love of horror movies is completely justified. Since there are so many good horror movies out there it should be relatively simple to allow yourself to feel the fear and excitement associated with these movies at any time. View this website to look into some good horror films on Netflix. Take a look now!
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